Monday, February 6, 2017

ManikMag.Com 'Social Circle' Op-Ed - Trumping Sexual Assault

This is an incredibly disconcerting time for those of us who believe in a world of equality and freedom of speech. We are now subject to living in a world where discrimination and sexism are widely becoming recurrent in even the most unlikely of places, as referring to the recent swastikas found on a New York City train.  With a tenacious grasp on de-evolution, the Alt-Right's 'covert' racism has unveiled their incongruent nature to that of the hopes and desires the vast majority of Americans hold; all while isolating us from our allies who bear witness to the slippery slope on which the United States freedoms rest upon. 

So no, this is not the time to 'go gently into that good night' and frankly, I don't think there ever will be in this lifetime. Not when the opposition of journalist integrity is being flagrantly met with "Alternative Facts' and Human Rights are severely traversed upon with worldwide repercussions.  In showing solidarity with the girls, women, and mothers of the world;  myself along with some of the tops influencers of the Curvy Industry offer our voice as feminists and women of female empowerment. 

When the premiere curvy fashion & style publication Manik Mag reached out to Xponential Curve for an opinion on the recent statements of sexual assault made by our now 45th President-elect of the United States, myself along with other top influencers such as; Model/Entrepreneur, Jeannie Ferguson, Muslimah Blogger, Leah Vernon, Blogger Brandee L. Tibbs, Plus Model Brittne Brande took a moment to answer this question; below which you will be able to read my full blurb on the matter....

"As a woman or Feminist, how does it feel to know the President of  the Country of which you live; holds these types of beliefs, and practices this type of behavior toward women?"

There are these relatively ‘New Terms’ floating around the internet, you may have heard them, “Sex-Positive, Anti-Slut Shaming, Women’s Rights. Ok so the last one isn’t an entirely new concept but these days you would think it is!! I mean it certainly falls under the umbrella of Human Rights which if you’ve been watching the news seems a concept that the powers that be register as an unfathomable notion. I mean a woman in control of her sexuality who can function autonomously without a man must be some kind of Alternative Fact or something. 

Now America has ushered in a Pussy Grabbing Gaffe of a POTUS whose rhetoric of Rape Culture and Bigotry is front and center on the world stage. History is repeating itself and not the good kind of history like the Abolishment of Slavery or the Suffrage & Civil Rights movements... No we’re on the darkest DeLorean ride spiraling down into this surreal Orwellian nightmare where 1984 meets 2017, Alternative Facts are the Alt-Rights New Black and Rape Culture is King. 

In Trumps America, look but don’t touch is an antiquated truth that does not apply to the Rich and Powerful. Understanding the severe psychological distortion of an Oligarch hierarchy as it relates to Women, we are a low priority when it comes to fair and ethical treatment but we’ve seen this before, haven’t we?? Racism and Sexism are totally intertwined where dominance is the principle factor and we now have a President going off the rails of his crazy train implementing two of the most controversial Executive Orders in his less than 2 weeks in office as of my writing this blurb. 

The mere concept of Free Will, which disavowed religions promotion of slavery and was a great ally in 'The Abolitionist Movement', somehow keeps evading the entire female species.  It seems the powers that be understand the true power they would be relinquishing if they acknowledged women are born with Free Will just the same as any man. Men like Trump who push forward agendas that deny a woman’s right to choose what she does with her body is an extension of the denial of Free Wills existence.  

Through these “Phallus-ies’ we are left to deal with the offspring of men who’s delusions of grandeur creates generational psychosis where these men believe they hold dominion over another. Trump's confidence is based on "Alternative Facts" and C’mon ladies we all know men like him!!  Those unevolved Basic ass dudes who think who they are cause some simpleton came along and inflated him up once upon a time so now he thinks who he is… The bottom line is these men are incapable of honoring a woman as Sacred no matter their tax bracket. Oh wait, Trump doesn’t pay taxes that’s right… 

There go those Delusions of Grandeur I was speaking of!!  So Trump and the men who celebrate Rape Culture and the women who voted him in cause they have yet to understand their divinity know no God, they only know Power of ‘Prey’er and so the fight continues for Free Will and the pursuit of women being seen as equal.  

As we advance, as women and the minority become the majority, we have to understand why they are resorting to these new lows. We keep elevating and once you ascend these fear tactics no longer have Power of us.  We’re on a new level so with that we got this new devil.  In light of our new reality it’s important we show love to our male comrades or as I call them 'FeMANists' who know they got their name and their game from a woman… The ones with disciplined focus who only seek control over their own existence… The ones who want a woman whose frequency matches theirs to Create… We are the Vessels of Creation... No Chump in office will ever change this. 

We must ALWAYS remember to Use our Power for good... HAIL TO THE VESSEL OF ALL MEN'S CREATION... May you NEVER FORGET where you got your name and your game from... #PowerToThePussy

~Xponential Curve 

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